Digital Sea

So I am back from my long vacation at Cannon Beach. Enjoyed the perfect weather and the nice beach. Ventured out of Cannon Beach one day to visit Astoria. Went up the Astoria Column and got a few cool pictures. Fed sea gulls early in the morning at Cannon Beach and got the birds to come so close I could almost grab one if I wanted to.I don’t know if they were extra hungry or what but it was amazing how close they got. Just a quick over view of the photos I took, more photographs to come once I finish editing them.

On another note, my blog pass 2,000 views today. Pretty remarkable, I think. Thank You! To everyone that has viewed my blog/photos or has supported my photography. Thanks So Much! Also want to let everyone know that I deleted all my photos off my Facebook fan page. From now on I will upload one new photo everyday. So check out my facebook fan page now!!

Sorry for so much pointless drivel tonight! HA HA. More photos to come!


Logan Westom Photography

60 Comments on “Digital Sea”

  1. Really lovely photos. I just started a photography blog focused on the city of Tampa and am enjoying some of the excellent photography blogs on WordPress. I’ve bookmarked your blog and look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

    Great photos! Yours is the second blog where I’ve seen Cannon Beach photos recently, it’s making me want to go visit there too! And oddly enough, the book I’m currently reading is set primarily in Cannon Beach, with wonderful descriptions of it.

  3. Pingback: Logan & Holly pull a recumbent bike |

  4. Pingback: Digital Sea (via Logan Westom Photography’s Blog) « Realidad Alternativa

  5. Great photos, dude. I like how you take pics from different perspectives — from below with the column and from above with the dog. The photo of the huge rocks in the ocean is my favorite. Congrats on passing 2,000 hits on your blog — and it looks that you’ve almost doubled it! Keep up the good work.

  6. I really enjoyed looking at your photos, thanks for sharing!
    I loved the picture with the “tavern menu”, the hand that holds it makes the photo really touching.
    I also really liked the photos with the birds, the angles are great :)

    I just published a blog post called “Maybe Feet are the Windows to our Souls” with photos, I’d love your thoughts about it :)

  7. Pingback: The five best sources of great photography on the internet « Bridge Over Everywhere

  8. Pingback: 2010 in review « Logan Westom Photography

  9. I have had this huge craving for photography off late and wanted to start it.I have never tried it on serious note before.Was looking for some photos to get some sort of idea or inspiration, I stumbled upon your blog in my search.

    Its truly amazing!! Any tips would be great.I am starting from scratch.I Have even hunt for a good camera to start off with..Any suggestions???

    • Thats so cool that you just randomly found it and enjoy me work! As far as a camera goes, I don’t know what camera you should buy but a Canon or Nikon DSLR is a good place to start. Lenses are what is most important with photography. Any lens with a F/ stop of 2.8 or less are the best. Cost more but way better.

      As far as tips to get better, just take more pictures. When i started about a year ago, I would go out for 30 minutes and take about 100 photos every day. Over time my skills developed, learn new tricks, saw things in a new way, ect.

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